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Transforming Richmond One Student at a Time

Campus Ministry

Cristo Rey Student Life

Worship, Fellowship, Community

Cristo Rey Richmond is a Catholic school that joyfully welcomes students of all faiths. Cristo Rey Campus Ministry is inspired by the charism of our founding congregation, the Sisters of Bon Secours, and their charism “to bring God’s healing, compassion, and liberation to people” and to share “a message of hope and assurance that there is a God who loves them.”* We believe our students deserve to be known, heard, and loved, wherever they are on their spiritual journey. Campus Ministry offers a variety of religious and spiritual formation in the Catholic Tradition that invites students to nurture their faith and their understanding of how to live in service to those around them. Some of these opportunities include:


At Cristo Rey Richmond, we pray for and with our students and families. We begin and end each day with community prayer. Once a month, we gather as a school community for Mass. Throughout the school year, students are invited to participate in other types of prayer services with a variety of styles and traditions. 


As a faith community, Campus Ministry offers students opportunities to engage in fellowship and community. Each CRR student attends an annual retreat with their classmates, where they are invited to spend time reflecting on their relationship with God, themselves, and/or each other. Campus Ministry offers various after-school activities that allow students to enjoy fellowship and fun. Campus Ministry Leadership empowers students to be peer ministers and help plan Campus Ministry activities. 

For more information about Campus Ministry and faith formation at Cristo Rey Richmond, please contact our Campus Minister, Kate Brown, at 

*The complete Charism of the Sisters of Bon Secours can be found here:


Service is at the heart of the Cristo Rey Richmond mission to graduate students “of faith, purpose, and service.” Students are required to complete service hours each year totaling a minimum of 50 hours in order to graduate. Campus Ministry supports this goal with service opportunities throughout the year, including our school-wide Day of Service. Students can find service opportunities and track service hours on

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