Transforming Richmond One Student at a Time

Counseling & Wellness

Cristo Rey Student Life

Supporting Our Students Emotionally, Spiritually & Academically

At Cristo Rey Richmond, our School Counseling and Wellness Team provides a range of therapeutic services that supports students’ holistic well-being in order to support their academic, professional, and personal success. Our Team consists of clinical social workers, a psychologist, a school nurse, and social work interns. Typical issues that our students seek support on include: anxiety, depression, grief/loss, trauma, healthy coping, identity concerns, relationships, family stress, stress management, and difficulties with academic performance. Our counselors are available to meet with students individually or in groups to address academic and personal issues, and we serve as liaisons between parents, teachers, students, and administrators, and community agencies. Our team collaborates closely with our Family Engagement Liaison, Campus Minister, and Deans of Student Life and Student Achievement. Our School Nurse in our School Clinic works to meet our students’ first-aid and hygiene needs. Students may request a pass to visit the Clinic for illness and injuries.

We have an online referral system in which a student can request to see a counselor at any time. Students can refer peers, and parents and any faculty/staff member may also submit a referral for students of concern. To make a referral go to

We encourage any interested students and families to reach out to our counseling and wellness services department by sending an email to


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